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Learning Outcome
- Reduce Stress
- Cultivate a spirit of laughter
- Get in touch with your inner child
- Understand laughter in a new way
- Remove inhibitions
- Learn to choose to laugh as laughter becomes spontaneous.
Benefits of Laughter
- Great return on investment
- Improved creativity, as natural inspirations will flow
- Increased light heartedness, smiling and laughing
- Reduces stress and releases endorphins into bloodstream
- Reduces depression. Laughter is cathartic, releasing negative emotions
- Strengthens the immune system
- Lowers blood pressure
- Improved breathing and blood circulation from aerobic exercise
- Heart connection with other people happening naturally
- Endorphins released into bloodstream
- Muscles – stimulates and releases muscle tension
- Laughter promotes and enriches brain function
- Massage for the internal organs – it’s called internal jogging
- Greater sense of well being