Laughter Yoga

Laughter Yoga Possibilities

I, Lynette Mitchell, established my Laughter For Living business to get out there and serve you, as an individual and within gatherings of people, in whatever possible context may be put together. Each one of us living on earth is unique and I like to bring together laughter and personal development, as one cannot exist without the other. We live in a body and we are meant to be light-hearted, fun loving, evolving humans. Not people wracked with fear and stress. I am not saying we have to avoid stress, as it can be useful when used correctly, so as to achieve things.

As my background is in healing, coaching, counselling, meditation, teaching, it seems natural to bring combinations of beneficial things together. Would you agree? Check out my qualifications page, if you feel to. Please read on to learn a little about laughter yoga.

What is Laughter Yoga?

Laughter Yoga, or Laughter Wellness, is a powerful healing modality which is simple, fun and filled with laughter that works simultaneously on the body, emotions, mind and spirit. Everyone can benefit, it is an exercise where we choose to laugh, because of the health benefits. It is done without jokes or comedy and is a practice that always guarantees fun and success.

Furthermore, Laughter Yoga is a fail-safe method connecting people, that is ideal when utilised in a group activity them, allowing the magic to happen. People become energised, feel lighter, joyous, inspired, cheeky and laugh more. It works on parts of the body, physically it is a great exercise, it enhances emotions, the mental state and spirit, having many health and wellbeing benefits.

What happens in a laughter yoga session?

People may begin seated on chairs if held inside and we generally stand up after hearing an explanation of what to expect. This includes mentioning Neuroplasticity,  working on brain health. There is clapping and learning the ho, ho, ha ha ha mantra. We also have deep breathing, which is where the name of yoga came from. We move around a lot, having eye contact with each other.

We sing a lot, as it is helpful to do so. Some people who lead laughter sessions probably do none or less than we do. But we love to sing. It is good for our soul and general wellbeing. The actual laughter part is usually for about half an hour, because it is or can be a vigorous, aerobic exercise. To find out  about the health benefits of laughter, head to Laughter Yoga Benefits

Laughter yoga applications

 I am finding that we can all experience the power and benefits of laughter yoga in countless ways and appreciate it is becoming well-known and highly acceptable. I am involved in several ways and do not specialise in any of them, rather I bring the laughter to both individuals and groups of people. I am trained as a community laughter club leader and for facilitating it professionally. I can share it one one one with people, for social or special celebration gatherings, both privately and for various organisations. Essentially bringing laughter yoga to people may apply in limitless situations.
  • Team building
  • Professional Development days
  • Individuals
  • Corporate businesses
  • Small businesses
  • Neighbourhood houses
  • Disabled organisations
  • Not For Profit groups
  • Aged Care
  • Free community laughter

Lynette’s Experience

I have had considerable experience facilitating laughter yoga for as many as 1200 people at a nursing conference at the Exhibition Centre. Laughter yoga is ideal for team building days, in workplace settings and equally for groups in a wide variety of areas. To be incorporated for any imaginable group in any field, being applicable and for all people without discrimination.

Lynette Mitchell Laughter Yoga