Personal Growth

Welcome to a World of  Transformation

Personal Growth, I feel, is something that we are either drawn to or not. From my experience and observation of life, people can become interested and aware of doing personal growth activities early on in life, or it can happen when we are thrust into difficult circumstances that we cannot do anything about.

Which category do you fall  into? There is no right or wrong answer. We are all on our own evolutionary journey, being drawn to different things, having experiences, learning, having fun, needing to work to earn a living or not.

My husband and I are very compatible and none of this interests him. There is no right or wrong way to express ourselves and it can and is meant to change, as we do, whether we are aware of it or otherwise. Similarly, nobody is better than another, as in my viewpoint, we are all souls journeying through time on a big rock hurtling through space.

You may have been led to this page, reading this needing help, or because you are stressed and not know which way to turn, or who is available to support you in ways that will be of the most benefit?

Perhaps one with the appropriate qualifications, who are themselves walking the talk, grounded and working on their own personal and spiritual development. Such a teacher is valuable and surely, we have all been there, having been in the depths of despair, feeling unable to go on, when all hope was lost. What’s the point of it all? And yet, there was enough, a small glimmer of hope, which we hung on to.

Some reading this will resonate with being a seeker your life’s journey, deliberately drawn to this, wishing to grow, evolve into a better version of yourself, looking for your tribe. Looking for a group of like-minded people who will understand you in ways different to your family and friends.

Perhaps you might like to read further, to get a sense of whether you are in the right place, at the right time. Lynette is a mentor and life coach, who does one-on-one life coaching and counselling in person, or phone. I Energetic Hygiene and Self Mastery classes and am available for Qi Gong and Crystal Healing. Not to forget I am a Laughter Yoga Teacher and include meditation and personal growth in my unique sessions. 

Would it be helpful to receive a complementary discovery call? If your answer is a resounding ‘yes’ press the button next, to make your contact with me to book a time, thanks. Love, Lynette.

Spiritual Alchemy Class

I run an hour Thursday night hybrid class, which includes mindful breathing, meditation, energy hygiene, discussion, and many useful resources for you to work with. Are you ready to give find out about this in person in Ferntree Gully. You are invited to find out and come to a Thursday night class. Click here to learn more.

Basic Energetic Hygiene

This subject, Energetic Hygiene, is the basic foundation of everything that I do and I would love to share it with you. We feel so much better when we clean our body in the shower every day and similarly, we would feel a whole, completely different person, if we are to embrace this daily practice. It is simple and yet takes practice and determination, fitting it into our daily schedule. Are you interested?

“How would you expect to feel if you carried around years’ worth of accumulated debris and toxins? Probably pretty terrible.

Without our being aware of it our auric field (which consists of the physical body, emotional body, mental body and spiritual body) collects and stores all kinds of things: mental debris, emotional residue, negative energy, pollutants, accumulations of old energy that has never been cleared, energy from others and stagnant energy etc. Just as we shower and bathe our physical bodies to keep them clean, so we need to do the same for our energetic bodies. It is essential that we regularly cleanse and clear our system.” Click here to learn more.

Introduction to Energetic Hygiene Workshop

This is a four part workshop about energy healing and for people responsible for the wellbeing of a group of people. It is in depth embracing the topic of Energetic Hygiene.

It helps explain how to protect one’s energy system to live a more centred, responsible life. Most of us would be aware how we can be influenced by other people’s energy, to our own detriment. These clases help participants learn about it and be more aware of their energy and those around them. 

Personal Life Coaching 1:1 Sessions

Most will agree that we need other people at times. We have sought out a friend or professional to help us through our darkest hours. We do not have to be ‘broken’ to be in this situation, we may have lost our way. What is the next step to take? Do we know who we can turn to for help? Go to the life coaching page to learn more.

Holistic Living Counselling

I have a Diploma and am a qualified Holistic Living Counsellor, this counselling method takes into account the person as a whole being, which encompasses one’s body, emotions, mind and spirit. To read more and go to the counselling page, click Here.

About Me and My Qualifications

I hold qualifications as a Holistic Living Counsellor, Mentor Life Coach, Laughter Yoga Teacher, Touch For Health, Qi Gong Healing, Reiki, Primus and Crystal energy healing, Certified International Laughter Yoga Teacher.