Spiritual Alchemy

Spiritual Alchemy Class in Ferntree Gully and online using Teams.

Spiritual Alchemy is a term describing transmuting fear into love.

Physical Alchemy is the transmutation of base metals into gold. Similarly, Spiritual Alchemy is when people operating at a lower vibrational, or fear-based negative energy, raise their vibrational frequency into a faster, higher vibrational, love-based energy. When our energy is vibrating faster, we hold more light and love, whilst developing stronger connections with our soul body and higher self. 

It also means freeing ourselves from past conditioning and outworn behavioural patterns that we have taken on throughout our lives. Over time we let go of limiting belief systems and align ourselves to our Soul and Higher Self, becoming transformed into expressing ourselves as spirit, expressing through a human being experience.  

The base of Spiritual Alchemy as I share is daily using Energetic Hygiene. It is the foundation of all that I do, teach and share in my classes and at the end of Laughter Yoga and other sessions and 1:1’s I facilitate. 

What is Energetic Hygiene?

We do this with many tools at our disposal, the foundational resource is called Basic Energetic Hygiene. Read more in the next paragraphs about this. “How would you expect to feel if you carried around years’ worth of accumulated debris and toxins? Probably pretty terrible. Without our being aware of it our auric field (which consists of the physical body, emotional body, mental body and spiritual body) collects and stores all kinds of things: mental debris, emotional residue, negative energy, pollutants, accumulations of old energy that has never been cleared, energy from others and stagnant energy etc. Just as we shower and bathe our physical bodies to keep them clean, so we need to do the same for our energetic bodies. It is essential that we regularly cleanse and clear our system.”

As we grow up, we usually learn to fit in with other people and slowly without realising it, become conditioned to our environment. There is learning in our life and we may reach a stage of awakening to the concept that there is more to life than what we experience. These classes will help you to get in touch with that and your feelings and learn to live your life in a different, self supporting way. 

Face-to-Face and Online Classes in Ferntree Gully

Classes help to raise your vibration from fear into that of love. Raising your vibration means that you will learn to be vibrating in love, making it possible to connect with your soul and spirit.  

The classes run weekly in Ferntree Gully 7.30pm on Thursdays, and are hybrid. Class fee is $12 per class in person and $6 online using Microsoft Teams. Go to the Spiritual Alchemy Class page here.

If it is your first time to attend, ideally it’s best to make a time for a quick talk before your first visit. This helps see if we are a good fit for each other, no right or wrong, simply if it feels ‘right’ for us both. Click here to fill out the form, alternatively message me on 0425 799 258, or email lynette@laughterforliving.com.au.

We learn practical exercises/practices, which support our physical body. This will energetically clear our energy fields of fear into love. In time we will become a vessel of love and light, growing in soul and higher self awareness. It is an awesome opportunity to be more of the potential that is held within you.

Meetup – join the following link to join my Spiritual Alchemy Class group to see the weekly topic. 

There are three Meetup groups, a broader Melbourne based online one using Microsoft Teams, which is a combined class with the face-to-face Ferntree Gully Group. There is also an Ottawa, Canada Meetup group that I facilitate, on behalf of the Cosmosis Mentoring Centre.

Cheerio for now and sending you love. 

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. Participants with a history of mental health issues are encouraged to consult their regular health professional before enrolling.