Lynette holds a Diploma in Holistic Living Counselling and some of the clients she counsels are those who find life is too much to cope with. They need help for even a short while. Holistic Living Counselling is about going deeper within, to access past issues, traumas and experiences that are preventing us from living life fully in joy and harmony.
Holistic Living Counselling emcompasses our bodies as a whole unit, that is the physical body, the mental body, the emotional body and spiritual bodies, as in the soul’s experience, which we carry from one life to the next. We are both very complex creatures and yet it can all flow in simplicity.
There are counselling processes to share with you to practice at home, helping to create new pathways of conception, thinking and feeling.
We have a subconscious mind which we have programmed from aeons. It holds our stories, beliefs, conditioned habits and our self image. What is stored is frequently distorted, according to how we were at the time of dropping the memories there. One thing is that the subconscious mind takes experiences as being literal truths and does not take into account the many filters of those involved at the time, or the deep impact that we felt.
Accessing, healing and clearing past unresolved issues can be almost impossible to do alone. This is why we need another person, whom we trust, to help us to do the work.
Welcome to an opportunity to begin to heal yourself back into being a wholesome, lovable, loving human being. Please go to the contact page and be in touch with me, thank you.