
Worthiness Workshop in Knoxfield

1pm-3pm Saturday 28th September 2024

Hello, the Holistic Therapy Workshop was a success and I decided to offer an amazing workshop monthly. The next one has a theme of Worthiness Workshop.

We will pick from a variety of activities which encompass worthiness and be flexible, going with the flow, depending on who comes and what energy you bring. It will be a great, beneficial afternoon, especially if you come with an open mind and open heart. Another holistic afternoon is in store. 

Payment and booking information is at bottom of this page.

My focus for you in this Worthiness Workshop is to receive a Self Worth resource to work with, whilst holding an overarching awareness about our worthiness during the afternoon. In addition, for newbies, you will briefly be run through and receive the ever important, Energetic Hygiene resource. These will help you to achieve greater harmony while incorporating the whole body, i.e. the physical, emotional, mental bodies and spirit. 

Our physical bodies need to move and exercise, otherwise we stagnate and then go backwards. ‘Use it or lose it’ is such a true saying and from my experience is very true. It is important to make time to exercise in whatever way appeals to us and fits into our life. Therefore we will be doing Laughter Yoga, which is an aerobic exercise and has enormous health benefits. I have been teaching and sharing this for nineteen years after doing laughter club training in March 2005. People are becoming widely aware of its health benefits and feel energised, uplifted and better in many ways after a laughter yoga session and in particular, if they attend a laughter session on a regular basis. We will conclude with Bollywood Laughter Yoga, some more and a fun thing to finish our time together with.

Energetic Hygiene

When new people present at these workshops, we will always go over the Energetic Hygiene process or resource, to ongoing support your body It needs to be energetically activated by ones entrusted to share the Energy and so, I will be sharing this process with you. Many people, like myself, use this auric cleansing and healing process/on a daily basis and it makes all the difference in the world, to how we live our lives. It is a great support and connects us with Energies supporting the growth and evolution on this small planet that we live on.

I find that journaling and drawing are a significant part of my life’s expression. I have been expressing myself artistically in some way or another for most of my life and find it to be very therapeutic. This month I will be assisting you to connect with your feelings and there will be two options of creative art expression that will be revealed to people attending. We will focus on journaling sometime soon.

And lastly, Bollywood Laughter Yoga, which is a very simple and fun way of moving, incorporating Laughter Yoga and Bollywood Dancing. The journaling that I mentioned will be shared with you in the future, most likely at our next of these workshops on 30th November.

I hope that you are able to join me and others who feel inspired to come. Let me know by email or telephone as soon as possible please, as numbers are limited. 

You will absolutely leave after two hours, feeling reinvigorated, refreshed, uplifted, inspired, returning home light-hearted as never before.


Room 1, Carrington Park Leisure Centre, 20 O’Connor Road, Knoxfield – it is the building on the left. 

Price $25

To book in, either email, phone or message me to register yourself in to what will be a lovely, time out for yourself, couple of hours on a Saturday afternoon.
Phone 0425 799 258


Bank transfer and registration to be completed by the end of Thursday prior, to secure your place. Numbers are limited so it is advised to book early.

ING Bank
BSB 923100 
A/c 70091972 
Name Lynette I Mitchell
Worthiness Workshop in Knoxfield 1-3pm Saturday 28th September 2024