Workplace Affirmation

Affirmations are best read aloud in the morning as part of an energetic hygiene routine. Here is the link to this Workplace Affirmation and if you would like to receive it as a PDF file, please email me. If you are not yet receiving my monthly newsletter and feel it could be of interest, either phone or contact me and I will add you. The affirmation begins as follows:

I say to myself, I am going to work today, as I drive, walk, ride or sit in public transport, I will be focused and prepared to roll with what happens on the day, giving each situation my full attention, being in the moment and holding strong firm boundaries with fellow employees so that I can do my job to the best of my present ability. I will each day leave work knowing that I have applied myself and as I return home on the return journey, I will focus on my breathing, being present, looking forward to coming in the front door and taking time to be present there also……….

And again here is the link to this Workplace Affirmation