Do you go crazy or withdraw like a recluse? Then stop it!

Blog on becoming reclusive or triggered acting like a crazy person

Hello Folks

Recently a new laughter club member joined, who had been wanting to try Laughter Yoga for a couple of years. She enjoyed it a lot and I bring this up as a small prod to encourage you to attend too. Have you also been feeling that you need to laugh more and are considering coming along? Then, why put it off? It is free, you have nothing to lose, except your inhibitions, along with any discomfort you may experience because of trying something unfamiliar.

I have been leading the Ferntree Gully Laughter Club for over nineteen years and in that time, many people have come along, tried it, felt it was not for them and not returned. Others have come for a period and left, whilst some have stayed and become a happy bunch of friendly people. Pick up the phone and call me if you like, I am always delighted to meet you and talk about the laughter club and the benefits of laughing.

Life’s Challenges and Stress

Life seems to be very challenging and challenges can be a ‘good thing’. Challenges can be beneficial for our whole body and get out of passivity. We need to be stretched and challenged; there is such a thing as positive stress. There are also other more subtle challenges we may face, due to unhealed bits within us. Do you get the feeling of that what I am alluding to? It will ring true for a lot of people reading this and alternatively, there will be a great percentage of individuals to whom, it means absolutely nothing. Which is perfectly alright, as we are all so different, a multitude of combinations in our physical body, health, genetics, culture, work, hobbies, interests and on it goes.


This is one word which refers to us or others who overreact in an irrational way. It is not obvious because there is some deep unresolved issue which takes us back to a time or moment and unhealed, unresolved subconscious memories are triggered. There is no obvious reasons and we can feel within our rights to act in the way we do.  Such stuff can cause us to fly off the handle, become over emotional or mentally crazy, acting like a small child, losing temper or sulking, withdrawing and going off to be by ourself, having the feeling of wanting to be or play all alone.

When unhealed bits surface, we can act and feel very immature, like the age we were when an incident happened, or a period in our young life that was very difficult. I feel a lot of us have had the experience of being misunderstood and simply wanting to express love and be showered with love, not understanding grown ups or other kids.

There is nothing wrong either with you or me and in some difficult times in our lives, we may seek and need help, a counsellor, health professional, or perhaps to join a particular group or even a church. This is quite normal. I recommend becoming aware enough to catch feelings where there is self judgment and negative self-talk. And then to find ways to work with it in order to heal and release what would otherwise remain unresolved and unhealed. Our lives will be richer for doing that.

Another possible scenario is to work through and heal unhealed traumas with the help of another person, learning to be kinder to ourself, even taking on the role of becoming our own inner coach. Or we can choose to withdraw, to be a recluse which can be beneficial. A healthy way of withdrawing is to have quiet introspective time with ourself when we ponder, meditate, journal, sit with nature, take time out or ways you may come up with that fit the bill.

Seek Professional Help or be Your Own Help Versus Becoming a Shopaholic

Some people feel drawn to seeking out and clearing the trauma in one’s past, when we feel to become consciously aware, present and grounded, being responsible for our life. We may become introspective and wish to seek out an expert in the form of professional help. Another option is to become withdrawn and reclusive in an unhealthy way, when we struggle to cope with our feelings which bring us to act like a crazy, unhinged, human being. Examples of going into a reclusive shell might be not answering the phone, or walking off or leaving without letting people know.

On the other hand, the higher vibrational positive recluse would be to express needing to have time out from others, so as to regroup within one’s self. It can be such a positive thing to do, to have some quiet time with yourself, perhaps in nature, in order to become centred within, attuning to our soul and higher spiritual self.

Quiet time entails not to go out on a shopping spree to help fill an empty gap, or settle ourselves so as to cope with our stress, mind and emotions. Take it from one who knows, having been a shopaholic for much of my life. Spending money is not the answer, it is a temporary fix. This is not an absolute judgment on shopping, it of course depends upon the motive and essential need.

So we have two things here, one being when we act out like a crazy, frantic person, without knowing what brought on such behaviour, which is destructive to ourselves, the environment and others. The other thing is to look for support whether it is external, or if we are lucky enough to be able to do this, find ways to regroup within ourself, back into feeling a balanced, centred, kind human being.

And might I suggest, what can be highly helpful in these times of mental and emotional stress, that you come and visit with us and others to share laughter yoga? It is an excellent de-stressor which can make a huge difference in your life, whether you only need to come for a little while, or ongoing. I firmly believe that when you face yourself when things do not seem right in your life, you will intuitively find a way to make the necessary shifts and changes. Things genuinely get drawn towards us and of course, do please be careful about what you wish for, because it may not be the best thing to occur after all.

I believe you can do it, live a meaningful life, with clarity and purpose, no matter what time it is in your life, or position that you are in. You can grow, evolve, becoming in touch with your purpose, which may also change as well. It is never too late and never, ever, give up! You can choose joy no matter what is going on.

I wish you well and do reach out to me or another if you need support through a difficult time in your live. Remember to create some fun things to do in your life, perhaps something unexplored, or to give yourself more time for your passion. It could be simple things to spend longer in the garden, or with your favourite creative pursuits. Knitting and crocheting can be steady and healing for some, regular walks, the list is unlimited. Volunteering is also a fabulous opportunity which people love to do. Feel into it, make a list, what will help you right here, right now? Be the change you wish to see in the world. There is still time. And remember, never, ever give up.

Shall I see you sometime in the near future? Check out the Laughter Club page HERE.

Lots of Love and Laughter. 

Lynette Mitchell