The Ferntree Gully Library regularly hosts Laughter Yoga for the Ferntree Gully Laughter Club. It believes in providing the community a taste of what activities, groups, interests are available for them to be part of.
One said that she had spontaneous light-hearted laughter afterwards, which continued for a couple of days and she planned to join us on a regular basis. And so she did, together with a friend, who participated and enjoyed it as well. As a result of this occurrence, two ladies have joined us as regular members/attendees, both as a result, also bringing a friend along.
Another new club member loved it, deciding at the end of the library session to join us and stop procrastinating. She has been aware of our existence for a very long time, perhaps not quite eighteen years since we first began, however for a very long time. She was not going to put it off any longer!
Following the laughter club session, she kindly shared her experience. “I thought that I would be self-conscious with new people and others walking past us in the park. But it was so much fun, everyone was great, and I was surprised how easy it was to join in wholeheartedly too.”
Her experience inspired me to do a blog about it never being too late to begin something new. “You can teach an old dog new tricks”.
Her turning up after so long, was a reminder I felt for all of us, that it is never too late to start something new. How often do we fall into a way of thinking that it is too late to start something else in our lives?
I do not concur with that! In fact, I totally disagree and feel we need to continue to get out of our comfort zones and extend ourselves, in a healthy, gently stretching way. Hubby John frequently shares that, “get out of your comfort zone”.
The same lady shared over a hot cuppa at the café following laughter club her feelings. Which are, similar to others to whom I have spoken, become more involved in life once again. Covid restrictions were psychologically damaging, and she makes it a priority to keep busy, joining social and interest groups, resolving to live life fully, with vim and vigour.
This ties in with Neuroplasticity, which I frequently touch on, that we need stimulation and new whatever’s, for our brain and general wellbeing.
Would you agree, to be active and that it is beneficial to learn something new? When we are doing our ‘old’ interests and hobbies, we may be unaware of ourselves becoming less engrossed. So often we have a ‘good’ habit and lo and behold, without realising it, what we are doing for fun, service, hobbies, physical activities etcetera, loses its sparkle. It might be time to stop and review what we spend our time and energy on.
There is the risk of becoming stale in our interests, even bored, when we do not stop to take stock to check and see how we are going. It may be time to bring in something new to switch things around somehow. I am not suggesting stopping something for the sake of it, rather to check in, review our life, our habits to consider what we are spending our time on, as usually with the rhythms of life it can be beneficial to swap something over, let it go to make space for new stuff.
I reckon that laughter club is pretty good for helping in this, because of the spontaneity involved with what we do. It helps us be in the moment and generally feels fresh every time we meet, even though it’s usually the same regular people, it feels fresh and energises us. There may be different people walking past, picnics happening, changing weather; it adds to the freshness and enhances our laughter creativity. We get ideas and run with it, adults playing, like back in the days when we were kids. Remember those times?
We would love to see you come too and give it a go. Don’t be shy. Would you agree with my views, to bring in something new? As time goes on, we can be influenced by the media, people’s opinions, what is expected of us and especially due to our age, interests, abilities and being either male or female. It can be a struggle to step out of the box of other people’s expectations and to take opportunities as they arise.
There are a multitude of health benefits from the simple matter of laughing more. A simple benefit is that it renews our ability to be light-hearted, to update our sense of humour and play. Adults frequently say they forget to laugh, becoming serious over time, weighed down by the worries of health, family and world affairs. Watching the news on television is something many people choose to stop doing, because it can be depressing, the ‘bad news’ so outweighs the news that is more positive.
Also we can take on and believe what we see on television, which may be influenced by things other than sharing truthful situations and events. How uplifting, how refreshing, it is to watch a hopeful news story, especially with a good outcome.
I trust that you are finding some fun and joy in life, as together we have all been through a very hard time for a few years and are emerging from it like a butterfly, with new growth. There are very likely new opportunities coming your way.
Does this inspire you to join us someday soon, or check in with consideration what you are up to? I sincerely hope so and invite your phone call if you feel to share a chat together before you first come.
Finally, a huge thank you to the Ferntree Gully Library for hosting laughter sessions, which gives people a taste of many things out there, beyond our awareness. If you are interested in attending the Rowville Library to join us for the next laughter session, it is at 11am on Saturday 12th August. Book with them on 9800 6443 or to book online, log in with your library details.
Lynette and John lead the free Community Ferntree Gully Laughter Club on Sundays, at 11am on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, behind the library. First timers, please contact Lynette in case there’s any alteration to that.
We also express our heartfelt gratitude to Janet Claringbold at the Studfield Wantirna Community News for including an article and Ferntree Gully Laughter Club information for over 8 years. Thank You!
Lots of Love and Laughter,
Lynette Mitchell.